Did you know that you are supposed to eat the skin of Camembert Cheese?

07 March 2018

Did you know that you are supposed to eat the skin of Camembert Cheese?

Well to begin, you should know that the white powdery skin on Camembert cheese (and Brie cheese for the matter) is called “Rind”.

In case you were wondering, yes, there is a “right way” of eating cheese!

Apparently, amongst the social rings of fine-dining folk, there certain etiquettes to the method of serving and eating cheese – that’s if you don’t want to be frowned upon by your fellow fine-diners.

Camembert Cheese – Originating from Normandy, France in 1791 – is widely made from pasteurized cow milk. When the cheese it freshly made, it tastes bland, hard and crumbly in texture. As the cheese matures, it forms a smooth, runny interior and a white bloomy rind. The rind is meant to be eaten with the cheese.

TIP: Let cold cheese warm up for about half an hour before eating to allow the flavor and aroma to develop.