Did you know that navel Oranges are for juicing and Navel is for eating?

07 March 2018

Did you know that navel Oranges are for juicing and Navel is for eating?

Valencia, is extremely juicy, composed from almost 50% juice, but the fruit’s flavor is relatively undistinguished. Over the years, Florida growers concentrated on producing juice from Valencias. Today almost 97% of Florida’s oranges wind up in juice making.

In contrast, navel is recognized as one of the world’s best-tasting oranges (for eating). Besides their flavor, navel oranges have several attractive qualities that made them so popular: they are frequently seedless, they are relatively easy to peel, and they have flesh that is firm rather than watery. On the other hand, when juiced, Navels turn bitter within half an hour. 

So there you have it. If you intend to juice the oranges, then the Valencia variety would be a better choice.